1% For The Planet and why it matters.


Climate Change Is Real.

This is an undeniable fact. If you have doubts or questions then this site is highly recommended.

Climate Change


It Isn’t Too Late.

The climate deadline hasn’t passed and though the scientific community hasn’t settled on an exact date it’s thought we have at least a decade to make changes, but a decade is not as long as it sounds and governments move slowly. We need to assess our individual choices now.


What 1%FTP does.

Each time you purchase a Grey Seal Coffee 1% of that sale goes to a global network of nonprofit organizations dedicated to protecting the environment. Small grassroots movements making real, efficient change.

1% of revenues, regardless of profits or loss.


Supporting us supports 1% for The Planet and you can also sign up for yourself or your business. More details below. We also offer a discount for all 1% members so let us know if you are signed up.